Cross border commuter status: Germany and Denmark
I have started a job in Germany from the 1st of January (under a German contract), however still want to hold on to my resident status in Denmark. Based on my research I can qualify as a cross-border commuter and pay employment and social taxes in Germany and property taxes in Denmark.
In regards to this matter, I am looking for general legal advice regarding my income as well as advise on:
1. General legal advise in German.
2. What are the various aspects regarding taxes that I should be aware of as a cross-border commuter?
3. How do I practically register as a cross-border commuter in both countries (is that even a necessity)?
4. If I generate income from a third country within EU (profit from company shares), in which of the 2 countries (GER or DK) do I register this income? Will I be double paying the taxes in this case?
4. Are there discounts or tax discounts for transportation between GER and DK?
5. Are there any aspects in regards to the taxing system between the both countries where I could benefit as a taxpayer?
Thank you.
Hinweis: Die Frage und Antwort wurde anonymisiert und mit Erlaubnis des Kunden veröffentlicht. Ihre eigene Frage wird standardmäßig nicht veröffentlicht.
Antwort von Rechtsanwalt Andreas Fischer
Dear Sir or Madam,
please find attached the answers for your questions including a file with the required forms and the applicable Double Taxation Agreement in German and English.
Two questions are included.
KInd regards,
A. Fischer
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A. Fischer, Ra und CPA (USA)