Terminate job contract before start of work
I'm foreigner who lives and works in Germany,
I have signed a new job contract which starts from 01.03.2018. Now, for personal reasons, I need to terminate the new contract and stay with my current employer. I want to stay with my current employer, without resignation letter and without him knowing about this new contract. My new employment should not really start since I'm prohibited to work for 2 companies by my Blue Card visa permit and contract conditions.
My new contract conditions in regards to termination:
Section 6 Probation period, termination and end of contract
(1) The first six months shall be a probation period. During the probation period, the employment
relationship can be terminated in writing with a notice period of 14 days.
(2) Upon expiry of the probation period, the notice period for both contractual partners is three
months to the end of a calendar month. The right to termination without notice for good cause
remains unaffected. Termination must be given in writing.
(3) The employment relationship ends automatically at the latest at the end of the month in which
you reach the respective individual age limit for statutory pension insurance in Germany. Written
notification is not required.
I have read that it's possible to terminate the contract before the start of work. Can I terminate my new contract with a 2 weeks notice period, so that it will be canceled before 01.03.2018 so that I can safely stay with my current employer without resignation.
Hinweis: Die Frage und Antwort wurde anonymisiert und mit Erlaubnis des Kunden veröffentlicht. Ihre eigene Frage wird standardmäßig nicht veröffentlicht.
09005 5555 13 * anrufen
Antwort von Rechtsanwalt Ray Migge
Dear Sir or Madame,
Unless there is a special provision in your contract prohibiting your from terminating the contract before the frist day of work, you may terminate the contract at any point in time as long as you observe the notice period.
In your case that would mean that you can terminate the contract with a notice period of 14 days.
However, as I do not have access to your full employment contract, I would ask you to look through the remainder of the contract to check for either one of these provisions:
a. A provision stating that the contract may not be terminated before the first day of work.
b. A provision stating that a penalty must be paid in case the contract is terminated before the first day of work.
Both of these provision are very common and would render the termination of the contract difficult.
If there is no such provision, then you may terminate the contract.
Please bear in mind the following though: In case there is no provision prohibiting the termination, you might still be liable to pay damages to the employer if you wait with the termination until the last minute. I would therefore recommend you terminate the new contract asap.
In case of any questions feel free to use the comment option.
Kind regards,
Ray Migge
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Wie prüfen wir die Echtheit von Kundenbewertungen?
Kundenbewertungen, die als verifiziert gekennzeichnet sind, wurden von Kund*innen getätigt, die mit ihrem registrierten Kundenkonto eine kostenpflichtige Beratung erworben haben. Nach Zahlung und Beratungsabschluss erhalten unsere Kund*innen einen Bewertungslink und haben darüber die Möglichkeit, eine entsprechende Bewertung abzugeben.
Bei unseren Bewertungen handelt es sich ausschließlich um verifizierte Bewertungen.
Der auf den Profilen unserer Expert*innen angezeigte Bewertungsdurchschnitt setzt sich ausschließlich aus verifizierten Bewertungen zusammen. Jeder Bewertung wird für die Berechnung des Bewertungsdurchschnitts dabei die gleiche Gewichtung zugemessen.
Wir veröffentlichen alle Kundenbewertungen, unabhängig von der Anzahl der vergebenen Sterne. Eine Löschung findet nur statt, wenn wir dazu rechtlich verpflichtet sind (z.B. beleidigender Inhalt).
Thanks a lot for your answer! I've double-checked and there are none of the statements in conditions themselves preventing me from termination before the start of work.
Just wanted to double-check that I can terminate the contract with a notice period of 14 days BEFORE the start of the contract. Trial period seems to be when the employment started, is it also before? Can you please confirm that I will not have to work those 14 days in this case. Maybe you have some references to the original law where it's stated.
Many thanks!
There is no law stating this specifically. The law simply states that the notice period my be agreed upon by the parties (within certain limits that are of no concern here). The relevant section is § 622 para 3 BGB.
In a nutshell, given the information you have provided, yes, you may terminate with a notice period of 14 days BEFORE start of the contract.
Kind regards,